Satinder Kaur Walia
Child Psychologist
A practicing child psychologist and a trailblazer of her field, Satinder Kaur Walia specializes in assessments and diagnosis of childhood disabilities. Equipped with two master's degrees, she continues to curate pragmatic treatments in clinical psychology and school psychology. While she is presently pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology, her work areas involve delivering psychological services within school settings to improve students' education, adjustment, and behaviors.Her areas of interest include early diagnosis, educational support, and comprehensive treatment options for children and families dealing with childhood struggles and disabilities.

A reformer in her field and an intellectual, the child psychologist is also passionate about early interventions and works passionately for inclusion. In addition, she specializes in a variety of pediatric behavioral services that includes diagnosis of childhood disorders, counseling, parent training, teacher training, onsite behavioral consultation to parents/families, family systems counseling, and behavior management.